A Certain Mysterious Fox

hi hi, I’m Meisaka, or just Mei if prefer something shorter.
I would call myself something of an expert software development hobbyist, I have way too many projects to even count, including an operating system, my own programming language, a bunch of different emulators, at least 3 game engines, a bunch of other little half finished games, network servers/clients, simulations and a mish-mash of utilities and scripts.
I also mess around with retro computers and electronics, and sometimes software or hardware reverse engineering.
You can usually find me on Twitch, where I stream 5 days a week for around 8 hours a day on average.
Often I get told I have a nice voice, or get asked what I do for work (where the answer is nothing)
I’m in like 90 different Discord servers, but I only pay attention to like 7 normally quiet ones.
I am also interested in science, 3D art (although I’m not that good), 2D vector art, number theory, space, aviation, radio, boating, anime, high fantasy, sci-fi, and probably a bunch of other things that I can’t remember off-hand.
I’m also a fan of using metric units, despite living in the US.
I think I’m a bit socially awkward and maybe not the best at introductions, but I certainly try.
I don’t usually mention it, but I’m an asexual transfem with a host of other issues, so… yeah… there’s that.


Welcome to the server, Meisaka! It’s nice to see you join. :heart:

I too, enjoy the use of metric despite living in the US. We haven’t had too much space/sci-fi talk yet in General but I’m hoping that will happen sometime soon c:

Hi yes I heard you are interested in 3d art :star_struck: if you ever need any help with something related to 3d feel free to reach out! (you can also find me in Exo’s discord under the same name).

I hate the state of 3d art education and how infuriating it can be for a beginner sometimes just because of high-density, low-quality information on the internet - especially youtube which has a lot of, quite frankly, bad or useless information, so I am always willing to help people start their 3d journey :raccoon:

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