are there more board games like wilmot's warehouse?

There’s a new board game coming out which is an adaptation of the video game Wilmot’s Warehouse:

Over the years, SUSD have talked about a few board game adaptations of video games. Something I’ve noticed from their videos about board game adaptations is that they tend to talk about board games that play like the video game (See: Slay the Spire, Stardew Valley). I don’t find this particularly interesting, since video games tend to be more interesting due to being able to have a higher amount of complexity while avoiding the player having to do tedious calculations necessary to make the systems work.

Wilmot’s Warehouse is the first one I’ve seen them talk about which seems to capture the emotion or idea of the original work, which I find really exciting (and I want to order a copy of it immediately). Are there more adaptations like Wilmot’s Warehouse?

I think I’ve only played a single video game → board game adaptation, the 2017 Fallout board game. The mechanics and managing enemies is a bit of a chore, and they failed to capture most of the silliness/humor of the games, but what they did capture is the unfriendliness of the wasteland. The game is structured to be competitive, so during missions you are trying to outclass your fellow players and sometimes putting them in bad positions.

A lot of people actually hated the competitiveness so much so that they released an expansion called Atomic Bonds that makes the game cooperative instead and it was super well received. So I think the theming they tried to add actually worked against them for a lot of people! Which is pretty interesting. Would have been interesting if they’d leaned into the silliness more if it’d have been more well received, people seem to enjoy being more competitive if there’s humor involved.

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I had a really bad experience with the Dark Souls Boardgame. In the game, you have to farm enemies until you can take on the boss, and the boss mauls you if you don’t. It was many many years ago, but I remember liking their AI system.

I also played the Plague Inc boardgame and it’s pretty fun. You are competing virus trying to mute and expand, and if you score too fast, you can’t expand. The nature of the game (infecting and spreading) leads to a serious snowballing and the game can be decided very early. But it’s fun and light nonetheless.

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