Godot Show n' Tell

Maybe I shoulda called it Shodot and Tell?
So I know a lot of us in here work with Godot (myself included) and I thought I’d start a topic on the Godot projects we’ve completed or are working on 8]

Here is some of my stuff.

First post is gonna be Small Demos and Prototypes:

Loba: a tiny little Wolf-Engine that’s all 2D

TwitchGarden: Twitch chat integrated sprite generator. It’s still a WIP, but once its done, if you type “garden” into the chat, it will spawn a random critter ^^

Kung Fu Mantis: (for now) Small demo focusing on inverse gravity platforming… AND KUNG FU

(gif was too big, had to pose a screenshot)


i love your mantis guy he’s so silly looking! is there a place that we can play the demo?

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Thank you!
And not yet but it should be available on itch soon-ish 8]

let us know when it comes out so we can try it out for you <3

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I’m so excited about Kung Fu Mantis, it has such a nice charm.

Here’s what I’ve made in Godot:

An unfinished game with the working title flambe that had inventory management mechanics. I wanted to make it into a story about a dragon girl becoming part of a community and making friends. I tried making the game over the course of a year using Rust and then C# working on it in my free time after work before giving up on it. I’d like to return to it someday. It’s not much to look at, but here’s how far I got:

An unreleased game titled involuntary commitment inspired by my own personal experiences of being kept in a psych ward against my will (hopefully I can talk more about this soon):

And an escape room game that I’m working on right now called no signal, which is about loneliness and a scientist trying to repair a station so they can get back home. You can actually wishlist it on Steam; I’m hoping to have it done in a few months. I’ve posted some pictures of it on this forum already, but here’s another:

Oh, and I’m also currently helping out a friend with a game called Ultraprocessor Ribbon (CW: NSFW). Here’s what a SFW portion of the game looks like:

A screenshot, with arkanoid-style gameplay on the left and arcade-like UI indicating the status of the player on the right.


Oh neat! I think this is the first time I’ve seen anything visual for flambe 8D
I remember you talking about it in the past, but I never had a reference. Also, having basically watched the entire development of both games, I’m so hyped to play involuntary commitment and no signal. I’ve tried ultraprocessor a few times, but I’m kinda bad at it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Excuse me choto I see 3d in Kung Fu Mantis, why have you not told me you do the 3d :star_struck:

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I make lots of the 3D ^___^ Apart from KFM,

I’ve done a horror walking-sim called Crawl:

A goofy N64 style platformer called Super Rat:

and (my baby) De Miedo:


it me, thank


:rofl: You’re very welcome!

oh my gosh you have done so much! i know pretty much every indie dev on youtube giving advice says you should make like a bunch of small games before you make your first like big game thats like the game youre known for but we’re def not doing that orz

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I have genuinely found working smaller projects has improved my skill as a gamedev on the whole. Even if each completed project isn’t like a 5 star award winner it feels accomplished and I’ve learn a lot through the process


For some reason messing around with lighting settings in Godot keeps me occupied for hours on end.

Re:Placement (very much not the real look)

Pillars of Anguish (very much WIP)

Anyway I’ve also made a whole bunch of jam games in Godot. I love how this recent one turned out.
Missing Inventory, with 3D art by my friend Lyall

I made one lil diorama. Everything you see is Godot only (primitives, CSG, etc), there’s no external models or anything. Kinda wanna make another one, but Godot’s CSG is a pain.
After Dark


These are great! 8D
I love the lighting in the first and last one, sooo nice :green_heart:

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Lighting is so fun, honestly it’s one of my favorite things in games. You can just sit there and adjust lights until the cows come home and it’ll just keep looking better.

It’s actually wild how good lighting can take a basic model and make it look incredible

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