Highly honorable places

Did you know that the proposed designs for nuclear waste disposal are actually Rad As All Hell???

derived from wikipedia [ Long-term nuclear waste warning messages - Wikipedia ]

We have

  • a cool ass sea of thorns with only a single path, who wouldnt want to go there?
  • MASSIVE spikes potruding from the ground. Could be a national monument, lets go take pictures!
  • More spikes but now in a grid. I would like to walk down that grid pattern and question the mathematical nature of it while slowly dying of radiation posioning
    Large mounds of earth shaped like LIGHTNING BOLTS? Like yo, we would call it the great scar, great place to taie photos.
    Just a massive slab of basalt. Like… yo… imagine the photoshoot you could do there…
    Just like a giant explosion crater. This one kinda sucks okay
    A ton of black, concrete blocks set up like houses with black roads… this is the spookiest, best thing i have ever heard… i love it…

Now the PROBLEM is, all these ideas are sick as hell and would absolutely draw a ton of people to it. This is literally the worst thing you can do. You are like, asking for people to go to the spike maze, naviage through it to find a hole with glowing rocks in it that make you dizzy and smell purple.

The actual solution is just really boring mundane buildings, fencing and education with also government maintenance.

But thats not cool as hell so i propose they do the down thing and then surround the actual main site with spikes and maybe through a giant lightning bolt of earth just like in a field kinda far away cuz people will go to that instead

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I will not fix formstting or spelljng in this post it goes against the spirit of racoon emoji

Oh my god, these are wild. And my favorite podcast is in here too???

French author Françoise Bastide and the Italian semiotician Paolo Fabbri proposed the breeding of so-called “radiation cats” or “ray cats”… [that] would change significantly in color when they came near radioactive emissions and serve as living indicators of danger.

To transport the message, the importance of the cats would need to be set in the collective awareness through fairy tales and myths. Those fairy tales and myths in turn could be transmitted through poetry, music and painting. As a response, the podcast 99% Invisible commissioned musician Emperor X to write a song about ray cats for a 2014 episode about long-term nuclear waste warning messages.

And here’s the song:

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future civilisations will have treasure detector cats

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