i don't know how discourse works

I’m mostly making this topic as a way to make something very clear:

I don’t really know how Discourse works.

If you are already familiar with Discourse and something about the way the forum is set up seems weird to you, that’s probably because I’ve never run a Discourse forum before! The last time I ran a forum was back in the heyday of PhpBB, when I was just some cringe teenager messing around with roleplaying online. We all have our cringe arcs and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

I spent about a week reading about how Discourse works online, but there’s only so much I can learn in that amount of time. If you’d like to see something change about the forum or you have ideas about how it can be used, lets talk about it! I think this forum has the potential to become a great place :heart:

I’m not really sure how it works either but its been oddly nostalgic giving it a run thru.

If I think of anything I’ll give you that poke


also was a cringe teenager who experimented with roleplaying on forums! those times were heckin’ fun! xD


You could probably steal some ideas from the insert credits forum, I like the insert credits forum and it also uses discourse

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I just took a look and Insert Credit’s guidelines are pretty nice and now I feel inclined to copy some of it. Right now we’re using the default Discourse guidelines. I did read over the default guidelines and for now I think they will work well, but I think it would be nice to outline a few rules and statements about how the forum operates like Insert Credit does.

where do i set my forum signature?

also, will web crawlers eventually get in here? Will all of this end up on Google?
I wonder if theres a deadline after which i can no longer edit posts, bc i might want to remove information at a later point in time

Discourse doesn’t have forum signatures, but it does have user cards. I would put whatever you want to have in a forum signature in there instead, since I’m inclined to keep the installation pretty minimal and close to the defaults for maintainability reasons.

Yes, web crawlers will eventually get in here and content on here would end up on Google. I could require login to view the forum and prevent this from happening, but:

  • I think it would be nice to indexed and be known as a Cool Place™ where (hopefully) good conversation happens and questions actually get answered.
  • I want to let people see what the forum is about before deciding if they want to register an account and participate.

I may be wrong as I’m not super familiar with Discourse settings, but if I’m correct, here’s how editing currently works on the forum:

  • You have a grace period of 30 minutes to edit a post without the forum recording an edit happened. Depending on your trust level, if the diff is too big (100 characters for TL0 and TL1 and 400 characters for TL2+) then there will be a record showing the edit happened anyway.
  • TL0 and TL1 users can edit posts for up to 24 hours after posting. TL2+ users can edit up to 30 days after posting. You cannot edit the post afterwards.

There are a bunch of other small settings related to editing, and the deletion settings are even more complex so I don’t think I’m capable of explaining all of them very well at the moment, especially concerning how the settings might interact. The only editing/deletion setting change I made from the default was increasing the editing grace period to 30 minutes.

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