May Daily Art Challege (or any art you can muster!)


Hey all! I wanted to have a thread for a daily (or whenever you can!) sketch challenge. Though, I don’t want this to be limited to 2D, I think this can be whatever you make of it but the spirit of the thread is to just get everyone to post wip art or to be able to practice more often even if it’s only 10 minutes a day! I would love to see all kinds of 2d and 3d art though. I would also love to know what skills everyone is working on developing for themselves.
I did it for the month of May (even though it’s a late start!) because I know the threads auto delete after 30 days of inactivity, so I thought it would be good to have a new thread fresh for the month and let the old threads fade into the abyss.

I’ll post my art challenge in the replies!

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This month the main thing i was to focus on doing is drawing in my sketchbook. Lately i have only been doing big paintings digitally that take a long time to finish and working on one piece for a month has been a little sad.
Today I have started a character design that i’m not a huge fan of so far. I think she is top heavy in her design with her horns and such so i may or may not re-work her idk. And, I started a giant mermaid with a smol pirate drawing for mermay. Thanks for taking a look at my art! I’ll keep posting my work <3
I hope everyone else’s posts their work too!

Day 1: Baseline eye

I’m restarting a Udemy course I bought 4 years ago to give direction to my daily drawings, and the first assignment was to draw an eye that I’ll draw again at the end of the course to see my growth.
It’s alright, but I think I went trigger-happy with the eyelashes without purpose directing them, and the iris kind of blends together. I like the taper of the eyebrow, though.

Bonus Day 0: Mother’s Day card

I created this over the course of the past weekend.

Correction: Threads lock, not delete, after 30 days of inactivity.

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The ear fins on your mermaid have really nice organic curves, and I’m amazed at how clearly your pirate reads while being so tiny, Jib.
I can see what you mean that the detail in your horned character is all concentrated at the head. The perpendiculars between the ears and eye line, and the horns and hair strands are interesting - I’m not sure what to make of it.

that card is so cute!
the taper of the eyebrow is a great shape. i don’t think you went too trigger-happy with the eyelashes unless you were trying to go for a more stylized look. since i prefer a more stylized look i don’t draw individual eyelashes, but thats more preference than anything.
if you’re learning the anatomy of a person then drawing individual body parts is very useful! I think when we were in college, one of the things we did was draw 50 drawings of each body part? i don’t know if the number was right but i at least recommend doing a page of each body part to start. try doing different angles of the eye and see how the shape changes from different perspectives.
For additional information on eyes specifically you might like this youtube video!

there is TONS of free content now on how to draw specific things so i would definitely recommend looking on youtube.

It’s very tedious and kinda sucks to do because its a bit boring but once you get good at drawing the eye and nose individually you can start drawing them together and seeing how they interact. this is a great method of learning but i’ll be honest not how i actually learned. i think this is a more structured way of learning lol

i started with full body because thats what i wanted to draw. it was bad and it took forever to get it so it really was just years of getting good, but make sure you sprinkle in practice with things you actually enjoy drawing so you don’t lose interest bc when i tell you painting fruit bowls in college made me hate painting i mean it lol

i either need to make the choice to go all out and add more to the bottom to even it out or pull back on the top so its not so much. ill do a couple options and see what looks good i think

I didn’t have the most time or inspiration today so i pulled up a random pose generator to draw from and drew the first pose given.
The generator i used was Quickposes: free image library and gesture drawing tool for artists which i recommend for gesture drawing and timed challenges.

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Day 2: Lines

I filled a page drawing all the types of lines I could think of. It felt silly to do, but at least I can say I did the assignment.

I also did a blind, one-stroke contour drawing of my floor lamp. I was moving really slowly, but I’m still surprised and pleased by how recognizable it is.

Thanks for the kind words and the resources! I believe you that practicing drawing the same specific thing over and over can get tedious, and I’m not sure I have the patience for it, but maybe I’ll try that structure once I finish my course.

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Haven’t been doing too much in the way of regular art, but since Saturday I have been making some assets for a gamejam I’m doing. This is some of the 2D stuff. This first one came out really good, it’s gross as heck 8D
Spoiler marked for some crunchy low rez body horror.


Less horrific is the skybox texture I made. it’s REALLLL pretty:

and here it is in game:


This is cheating because technically I did a lot of these assets before [and it’s not technically today], but yesterday I did a bunch of work on No Signal specifically the bathroom. I still need to tweak the lights and do some other things but it’s coming along :Y

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if at any point you don’t want my input feel free to say so and i will stop no hard feelings! I feel like im inserting, but also want to help since i’ve done a lot of these before.

i remember doing the draw all the lines you can think of assignment and not getting the point at all until literally years later on my own. i don’t know how it was explained in the class youre taking, but i remember my teacher not explaining why we were doing that very well. It’s really just to show how you can use different lines in your art especially in shading. You can layer different types of lines for a different look.
These are some really old arts of mine but they have a couple different line layering and types for example in how they would layer when you use them like that.

When you use your lines for shading it does take a lot more time and more patience is needed to make it look good, but this is the general point of the assignment. Hopefully this helps!

I also think blind drawing is a funny assignment, because like i get that it’s for the muscle memory and space recognition but like someone with aphantasia would really struggle with this assignment lol. Your shape is very recognizable though!


i don’t think its cheating to build upon something you have already done! I will be posting some of those too because sometimes it just takes multiple sessions to finish something. it’s very cool to see the progress! your assets look great! I hope we can get more 3d work in this thread being shown~

very clean bathroom 10/10 would not be grossed out using it

whoaaaa the sky is so pretty! its so exciting to see some of the small details being made for a bigger project. i hope you post more about it in show off so we can see more about the game c:

something i have been really struggling with is digital drawing/painting. i come from a heavy traditional background and have always struggled with getting the texture of my art looking like it was done with markers/paint/colored pencils in digital. it was always just like too smooth and blended looking for how i wanted it. i feel like my last couple of pieces i have done has been a real breakthrough for me.
i’ve been mostly testing this style with backgrounds and small characters with simple shapes like pokemon. in the wee hours of this last morning i tried with a full character though and so far im really liking it! (wip!)


Please do keep giving your input - I find it valuable. Receiving feedback is another great reason in addition to motivation to be on an art journey at the same time.
Thanks for clarifying the point of the line exercise. It wasn’t really explained in the class, but seeing your examples for shading makes total sense.

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I agree that you’re nailing the textured look. Your character is looking great!

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I’ve been in such TTRPG brainrot. I play Mutants and Masterminds with my friends and my wife. It’s the DND-like system that was made for DC. I’ve never actually played set in the DC universe because I’m not the biggest fan of superhero campaigns but I do like the d20 system they have and their character creation system a lot better then DND.

These characters are Ren (I posted her yesterday too) and my wife’s character Illyse. They are girlfriends and i love them so much theyre so cute QwQ
So happy to be drawing them. If anyone was curious they were originally set in a Marvel campaign that was just a one shot and didn’t really go anywhere, but we loved them a lot so we re-purposed them for a HunterXHunter campign we did with our friends.

I’m really happy with Illyse’s face because it’s such a hard angle to draw :0