music music music (music you like)

I have a habit of sharing songs with a friend of mine on an almost daily basis - figured I’d bring it here. Please share your favorite stuff too! Bandcamp links are great if available

First up, a classic: Effortpost comin up for the next one!

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Lately I’ve been really into babymetal. Like I’ve always liked them but recently its been like im really into it. I really like theyre newer song


babymetal!! I totally forgot I like metal, have a video I plan to post at some point ^^. Ok, getting thrown on today’s playlist.

Effortpost involves high energy music and it’s a low energy day, so, music that fits my day better:

I’ve been planning to make a “intro to music theory” effortpost using this song for… wow, 2 years now? My prompt was going to be “listen to this song - what are the 2 most important notes?”

And then go into basics of keys, scales, major vs minor, tempo, how the song uses all these things to set a mood.


one of my favorite genres, and my go to listening choice most the time is some future funk, macrosse 82 99 has some good stuff


listened to this one on headphones that are pretty bass-heavy and it’s awesome. mind numbing in the best way

My modern pick me up song:


I enjoyed Xenoblade 1 and 2, but dang 3 really kicked it up to a whole new level. The themes, the characters, the audio… they just nailed everything imo. Can’t listen to the music without remembering the adventure!

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This is one of my favorite songs, because of the use of silence:

10 seconds in and the violin’s already got me

fake edit: completely see what you mean by silence. Those pauses!

Some metal, video’s got horror elements, been meeting a ton of people and seeing so much new stuff, heard this for the first time today:

Thanks everyone for awesome music :slight_smile:

Jordana is a jungle/DnB musician who took off in the 90’s, she was (as best i know) the first trans person to get published in the genre and I fuckin love her music. There was a cohost post going round talking about her and that’s how I found out :slight_smile:

My favorite song of hers is this one:

It’s a bit more intense than the rest of that album? More repetitive, more dissonance and stuff. Which is exactly why I like it!

( Playing the song and had to switch to better speakers, it’s so good it’s so good )

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This music video just dropped the other day and it is a wild collab, got my blood pumpin like it’s 2007 all over again (there are some flashing lights, so if you’re sensitive to that maybe just listen to the music):

found while i was doomscrolling, and the quality of it just hit me

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found this again while studying, and remembered how good this cover is. patrick just absolutely rips on the saxophone. its insane


spent hours yesterday listening to this channel and Patrick Bartley’s main channel. This one’s going right now while i wrap up work:

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The World Revolving from Deltarune is my current 10-hour song.

And my current favorite song is Emerald Sword by Rhapsody of Fire.

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I’m sorry, current 10-hour song? Do you actually listen to the entire video? Do you have a favorite?

Now that I’ve gone back and looked, the 10 hour song is probably a new thing for me. I am referring to the type of song that I enjoy playing on repeat indefinitely, or falling asleep to. Usually I will just play it on repeat but this one loops better on youtube. If I had to pick a favorite it would be between The World Revolving and Rolling Girl.

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