no signal demo released

I finally did it, the demo for my escape room game no signal is now available on Itch and Steam!

I’ve spent a lot of time working on this and I hope the demo captures your interest and makes you excited to see what’s next. As for the full game, I still would like to finish it before the end of the year, but we’ll see if that happens as most of the rest of the game doesn’t exist yet! I have a lot of dialog to write and puzzles to create in the next few months.


so exciting!! You guys have been working so hard on this qwq im glad you finally get to release the demo <3


from a friend who ended up playing the windows build (and really liking it!)

can’t seem to run the linux version
“./no-signal.x86_64” terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)"
will try on windows. it looks cool and i’m excited to give it a try

gonna try to the linux demo myself today or the day after

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Hmm, that’s odd. I would need to know more information about how their system is configured, as it runs fine on my linux computers.

yeah, ran fine on both my linux boxes as well