Thinking about saying hi...

tirsodRunningHi!, I’m tirsod. 8xSmall
I am a…
:video_game: Game developer, :art: Artist, and :musical_note: Musician.
I write stories about computers, existentialism, cats, and everything in between. Nice to meet you!
So, I wanted to share and document my process on Twitch- and while looking around the software development category I ran into VTubers that leverage the power of Game Engines to make really fun interactive streams.

My current project is one such stream, where I take on the role of “Tiramizu”, a paper guy trying to become a real person in a world where materializing your dreams is key. It’s a lot of fun to work on, a nice creative outlet and a valuable source of practice, discipline and learning.

You can expect to see some posts from me where I showcase this application’s development, and if we’re lucky, I’ll also show how the next one goes.

Can’t wait to see what everyone is working on! Also, ask me questions! I might not always have the answer but it never hurts to reach out.


Hello tirsod! Welcome to the forum :heart:

That’s a fun concept. Are you making your stream overlay in Godot? That seems to be quite a popular choice, but I do know a few others who use Unity or Unreal. Or maybe you’re using something else!

Hope to see you around!

I’m using Unity! I’m trying to learn its ins and outs thoroughly. I’d usually split between using GameMaker or Unity but I’m trying to lock into this workflow :slight_smile:

I’ve seen the behind-the-scenes for some Godot overlays and they’re nothing short of impressive. Even more so when you know the limitations they’re working with!

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