About the Help category

Ask and answer questions here.

Topics in this category should contain specific, objective questions. If you have a subjective question, use General instead. If you want to announce something related to what you are working on, use Show Off instead.

If you are asking a question:

  • :dart: Keep the scope of your question small. The more specific your question, the easier it will be for people to give you an answer. If someone needs to write an entire book to answer your question, then it’s too big.

  • :microscope: Research your problem. Share what you found and explain why it didn’t meet your needs. Not only does this demonstrate that you’ve taken the time to try to help yourself, it helps others give you specific and relevant answers!

  • :pencil2: Tag your post. Use tags on your post to help others search for the questions that they can answer. For example, you can tag what software you are using.

  • :desktop_computer: Clarify what you are using. If you need help with a particular piece of software, be specific about version of it you are using. Answers will not always be the same between different versions of the same program.

  • :brain: Keep an open mind. Not all answers might be what you want, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the answer is wrong. Conclusive answers are not always possible. Remember that everyone is trying to help.

If you are answering a question:

  • :slightly_smiling_face: Be kind. Do not criticize people for asking bad questions. Remind them of how to ask a good question (possibly by linking this post), and ask clarifying questions. We want everyone to find the help they need!

  • :speech_balloon: Be thorough in your answers. Everyone comes from many different backgrounds and might not have the experience to understand all the assumptions we sometimes take for granted. We all start somewhere. Help people grow!

  • :link: Link existing answers. If you think a question has already been answered in another topic, feel free to link to the answer.

Also feel free to ask and answer your own questions, if you run into something that you think others would find valuable. Just make sure you provide the answer in another post so you can mark it as the solution!

Solved topics will be auto-closed after 1 week of inactivity.